Molecular Biology Lab
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Prashant Kumar, Ph.D.
Faculty Scientist
DST-Ramanujan fellow
Institute of Bioinformatics
Discoverer Building, International Tech Park, Whitefield
Bangalore - 560 066
E-mail: prashant at ibioinformatics dot org
Phone: +91-80-28416140 Fax: +91-80-28416132
Ph.D. in molecular biology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, 2009
M.Sc. in Biotechnology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India, 2002

Positions Held

Faculty Scientist, Institute of Bioinformatics, Bangalore, June 2015 – present
Visiting Scientist at Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI) and Translational Research Institute (TRI), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 37 Kent St Woolloongabba QLD 4102. Australia, 2017 – present
Research Scientist 'II', Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) A*STAR, Singapore, 2012 – 2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, USA, 2009 –2012
Junior Research Fellow, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 2003 – 2005

Honors and Awards

Ramanujan Fellowship awarded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India 2015
NIH-Fellowship (to pursue Post-Doctoral research at UMASS Medical School, Department of Cancer Biology, Worcester, USA) Oct 2009 to March 2012
International Max-Planck Fellowship (to pursue Ph.D. at Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Dept. Molecular Biology, Berlin, Germany) Feb 2005 to Sept 2009
Junior Research Fellowship, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India, 2003 – 2005
Department of Biotechnology Fellowship, Government of India sponsored fellowship in M.Sc. Biotechnology after completing the All India Entrance Examination in Biotechnology conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, 1999 – 2001 (All India Rank-20)

Area of Specialization

Liquid Biopsy-Circulating tumor cells (CTCs)
Personalized medicine, Diagnostic tests to guide therapy
Bladder cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, Cervical, gallbladder and gastric cancer
Mechanisms to cancer drug resistance
Proteomics, Genomics


Dr. Prashant Kumar received his Ph.D. in 2009 from the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Department of Molecular Biology, Berlin, Germany. Following this, Dr. Kumar received postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Prof. Karl Simin at the Department of Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts (UMMS) Medical School, Worcester, USA, where he established a novel mouse model of malignant breast cancers that required improved therapeutic strategies, and was involved in studying the clinical impact of breast cancer. In his work, he showed that mammary tumors caused by the inactivation of the pRb family (pRbf) of proteins (pRb, p107, p130), together with Brca1 and p53 inactivation, mimicked several aspects of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer. This finding illustrated the compounding effect of acquiring multiple tumor suppressor mutations during tumor evolution and underscores the distinct requirements of each of these canonical tumor suppressor proteins. In June 2012, he moved to Singapore, continuing his research at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), A-STAR, in the laboratory of Prof. Jean Paul Thiery, a world renowned authority in the area of EMT (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition). During this period, the focus of his work took on a more translational aspect, and he was involved in the development of a novel point-of-care (POC) diagnostic platform for the detection of multiple protein bladder cancer biomarkers. He was also involved in the establishment of a culture method to assess breast cancer circulating tumor cells (CTCs) harvested from blood samples of patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy. This new technique provides an opportunity to analyze CTC clonal heterogeneity and adapt therapeutic modalities in refractory breast cancer patients. At IOB, his work is now centred on biomarker discovery for bladder cancers, using state-of-the-art quantitative proteomics approaches. He is also interested in defining the molecular pathways that underlie the malignancy associated with bladder carcinoma, with an emphasis on the biological mechanisms and regulatory relationship of EMT in cancer progression.


Major Research Areas

In vivo mouse model and clinical impact associated with bladder/breast/head and neck/gastric cancer(s)

Translational research and in development of novel point-of-care (POC) diagnostic platform for the detection of multiple protein cancer biomarkers
Targeting pathways contributing to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in malignancy associated with carcinoma
Ex vivo culture of circulating tumor cells for individualized testing of drug susceptibility


Research papers: 45 (Review articles: 6); Letter to editor: 3; Book chapters: 4; Patents: 2


Research papers

Adiga, D., Radhakrishnan, R., Chakrabarty, S., Kumar, P.*, Prasada, S*. (2020). The Role of Calcium Signaling in Regulation of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Cells Tissues Organs. In press. (*Corresponding Author)

Kumar, A., Nayakanti, D., Mangalaparthi, K., Gopinath, V., Reddy, N., Govindan, K., Voolapalli, G. and Kumar, P*. (2021). Quantitative proteome profiling stratifies fibroepithelial lesions of the breast. Oncotarget. In press. (*Corresponding Author)

Gondkar, K., Sathe, G., Joshi, N., Nair, B., Pandey, A., Kumar, P*. (2021). Integrated phosphoproteomic analysis of DKK3 signaling reveals activated kinase in the most aggressive gallbladder cancer. Cells. 10, 511.[Article]

Carvalho, A. S., Strano Moraes, M. C., Na, C. H., Fierro-Monti, I., Henriques. A., Zahedi, S., Bodo, C., Tranfield, E. M., Sousa, A. L., Farinho, A., Rodrigues, L. V., Pinto, P., Bárbara, C., Mota, L., Abreu, T. T., Semedo, J., Seixas, S., Kumar, P., Costa-Silva, B., Pandey, A., Matthiesen, R. (2020). Is the Proteome of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Extracellular Vesicles a Marker of Advanced Lung Cancer? Cancers. 12, 3450. [PubMed]

Khan A. A., Patel, K., Patil, S., Babu, N., Mangalaparthi, K. K., Solanki, H. S., Nanjappa, V., Kumari, A., Manoharan, M., Karunakaran, C., Murugan, S., Nair, B., Kumar, R. V., Biswas, M., Sidransky, D., Gupta, Ra., Gupta, Ro., Khanna-Gupta, A., Kumar, P., Chatterjee, A., and Gowda, H. (2020). Multi-omics analysis to characterize cigarette smoke-induced molecular alterations in esophageal cells. Frontiers in Oncology. 10, 1666. [PubMed]

Sathe G., George I. A., Deb B., Jain A. P., Patel K., Nayak B., Karmakar S., Seth A., Pandey A., Kumar P.*. (2020). Urinary glycoproteomic profiling of non-muscle invasive and muscle invasive bladder carcinoma patients reveals distinct N-glycosylation pattern of CD44, MGAM, and GINM1. Oncotarget. 11, 3244-3255. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Mangalaparthi, K. K., Patel, K., Khan, A. A., Manoharan, M., Karunakaran, C., Murugan, S., Gupta, R., Gupta, R., Khanna-Gupta, A., Chaudhuri, A., Kumar, P., Nair, B., Kumar, R. V., Prasad, T. S. K., Chatterjee, A, Pandey, A. and Gowda, H. (2020). Mutational landscape of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in an Indian cohort. Frontiers in Oncology. 10. [PubMed]

Prasanna, K. B., Balakrishnan, A., and Kumar, P.*. (2020). Circulating tumor cells clusters and CDX models as a tool for treatment response. BioTechniques. 69, 362-363. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Puttamallesh, V. N., Deb, B., Gondkar, K., Jain, A. P., Patel, K., Nair, B., Pandey, A., Chatterjee, A., Gowda, H., Kumar, P.*. (2020). Quantitative proteomics of urinary bladder cancer cell lines identifies UAP1 as a potential therapeutic target. Genes. 11, 763. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Deb, B., and Kumar. P.*. (2020) Tumor heterogeneity and phenotypic plasticity in bladder carcinoma. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Kasarpalkar, N., Deb, B., Kumar, P., Bhor, V. (2020). The role of integrin α4β7 signaling in HIV-1 pathogenesis and viral entry in primary CD4+ T cells as revealed by comparative phosphoproteomic signatures. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. [PubMed]

Nair, A. R., Verma, K. V., Beevi, S. S., Rawoof, A., Alexander, E. L., Prasad, E. R., Kumary, K. P., Kumar, P., and Kumar, D. L. (2020). MicroRNA signatures in blood or bone marrow distinguish subtypes of pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Translational Oncology. [PubMed]

Deb, B., Sengupta, P., Sambath, J., Kumar, P.*. (2020). Bioinformatics analysis of global proteomic and phosphoproteomic datasets revealed activations of NEK2 and AURKA in cancers. Biomolecules. 10(2). [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Jain, A. P., Patel, K., Pinto, S. M., Radhakrishnan, A., Nanjappa, V., Kumar, M., Raja, R., Patil, A. H., Kumari, A., Manoharan, M., Karunakaran, C., Murugan, S., Prasad, T. S. K., Chang, X., Mathur, P. P., Kumar, P., Gupta, R., Gupta, R., Khanna-Gupta, A., Sidransky, D., Chatterjee, A., Gowda, H. (2019).MAP2K1 is a potential therapeutic target in erlotinib-resistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports. 9(1). [PubMed]

Gondkar, K., Patel, K., Patil, G., Nair, B., Pandey, A., Gowda, H., Kumar, P.*. (2019). Dickkopf Homologue 3 (DKK3) acts as a potential tumor suppressor in gallbladder cancer. Frontiers in Oncology. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

De, T., Goyal, S., Balachander, G., Chatterjee K., Kumar, P.*, Babu, G.*, Rangarajan, A.*. (2019). A novel ex vivo culture system using 3D polymer scaffold to enrich and expand circulating tumor cells from breast cancer patients exhibits dynamic E-M phenotypes. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(9). [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Datta, K.K., Patil, S., Patel, K., Babu, N., Raja, R., Nanjappa, V., Mangalaparthi, K. K., Dhaka, B., Rajagopalan, P., Deolankar, S. C., Kannan, R., Kumar, P., Prasad, T. S. K., Mathur, P. P., Kumari, A., Manoharan, M., Karunakaran, C., Murugan, S., Sidransky, D., Gupta, R., Gupta, R., Khanna-Gupta, A., Chatterjee, A., Gowda, H. (2019). Chronic exposure to chewing tobacco induces metabolic reprogramming and cancer stem cell-like properties in esophageal epithelial cells. Cells. 8(9). [PubMed]

Deb, B., Patel, K., Sathe, G., Kumar, P.* (2019). N-Glycoproteomic Profiling Reveals Alteration In Extracellular Matrix Organization In Non-Type Bladder Carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(9). [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Balakrishnan, A., George, I. A., and Kumar, P.* (2019). Circulating Tumor Cell Cultures and derived xenografts: An Emerging Tool to Guide Cancer Therapy. Frontiers in Bioscience. 25:606-631. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Raja, R., Pandey, A., and Kumar, P. (2019). Epithelial to mesenchymal plasticity in circulating tumor cells and role in cancer progression. Frontiers in Bioscience. 25:838-873. [PubMed]

Balakrishnan, A., Koppaka, D., Anand, A., Deb, B., Grenci, G., Viasnoff, V., Thompson, E., Gowda, H., Bhat, R., Rangarajan, A., Thiery, J. P., Babu, G., Kumar, P.* (2019). Circulating Tumor Cell cluster phenotype allows monitoring response to treatment and predicts survival. Scientific Reports. 9:7933. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Sharma, J., Deb, B., George, I. A., Kapil, S., Coral, K., Kakkar, N., Pattanaik, S., Mandal, A. K., Mavuduru, R. S., and Kumar, P.* (2019). Somatic mutations profile of a young patient with metastatic urothelial carcinoma reveals mutations in genes involved in ion channels. Frontiers in Oncology. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Deb, B., Puttamalesh, N. V., Gondkar, K., Thiery, J. P., Gowda, H., and Kumar, P.* (2019). Phosphoproteomic profiling identifies aberrant activation of integrin signaling in aggressive non-type bladder carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8, 703. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Gondkar, K., Patel, K., Krishnappa, S., Patil, A., Nair, B., Sundaram, M.K., Tan, T.Z. and Kumar, P.* (2019). E74 like ETS transcription factor 3 (ELF3) is a negative regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in bladder carcinoma. Cancer Biomarkers. [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Subbannayya, T., Leal-Rojas, P., Zhavoronkov, A., Ozerov, I. V., Korzinkin, M., Babu, N., Radhakrishnan, A., Chavan, S., Raja, R., Pinto, S. M., Patil, A. H., Barbhuiya, M. A., Kumar, P., Guerrero-Preston, R., Navani, S., Tiwari, P. K., Kumar, R. V., Prasad, T. S. K., Roa, J. C., Pandey, A., Sidransky, D., Gowda, H., Izumchenko, E. and Chatterjee, A. (2019). PIM1 kinase promotes gallbladder cancer cell proliferation via inhibition of proline-rich Akt substrate of 40 kDa (PRAS40). Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling. 13,163-177. [PubMed]

Saha, M., Kumar, S., Bukhari, S., Balaji, S. A., Kumar, P., Hindupur, S. K., Rangarajan, A (2018). AMPK-AKT double negative feedback loop in breast cancer cells regulates their adaptation to matrix deprivation. Cancer Research. 78, 1497-1510. [PubMed]

Deb, B. and Kumar, P.*. (2018). Bladder carcinoma treatment challenges and future directions of immunotherapy. [Article] (*Corresponding Author) Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 11. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Sharma, J., Deb, B. and Kumar, P.*. (2018). Developments in the area of bladder cancer genomics and its importance in the treatment selection. Journal of Molecular Oncology Research. 2, 58-62. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Sharma, J., Gondkar, K., Deb, B. and Kumar, P.*. (2018). Targeting gene fusion events in bladder carcinoma. Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine. 12, 361. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Deb, B. and Kumar, P.*. (2018). Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer: Present Challenges and Recent Developments. Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment. 6, 34-38. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Khan, A. A., Advani, J., Patel, K., Nanjappa, V., Datta, K. K., Solanki, H. S., Kumar, P., Mathur, P. P., Nair, B. P., Prasad, T. S. K., Chatterjee, A and Gowda, H. (2018). Chronic exposure of cigarette smoke and chewing tobacco alters expression of microRNAs in esophageal epithelial cells. MicroRNA. 7, 28-37. [PubMed]

Nanjappa, V., Sathe, G.J., Jain, A. P., Rajagopalan, P., Raja, R, Subbannayya, T., Patil, A. H., Kumar, P., Prasad, T. S. K., Mathur, P. P., Sidransky, D., Gowda, H., Chatterjee, A. (2017). Investigation of curcumin mediated signaling pathways in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Translational Research in Oral Oncology. [PubMed]

Solanki, H. S., Advani, J., Kumar, M., Kumar, P., Bhagat, H., Prasad, T. S. K., Sidransky, D., Gowda, H., Chatterjee, A. (2017) miRNA profiling of bladder cells chronically exposed to cigarette smoke condensate and its vapor. Research Reports. [PubMed]

Leonard, J. L., Leonard, D. M., Wolfe, S. A., Liu, J., Rivera, J., Yang, M., Leonard, R. T., Johnson, J. P. S., Kumar, P., Liebmann, K. L., Tutto, A. A., Mou, Z., Simin, K. J. (2017). The Dkk3 gene encodes a vital intracellular regulator of cell proliferation. PLoS One. 12, e0181724. [PubMed]

Yadavalli, S., Jayaram, S., Manda, S. S., Madugundu, A. K., Nayakanti, D. S., Tan, T. Z., Bhat, R., Rangarajan, A., Chatterjee, A., Gowda, H., Thiery, J. P. and Kumar, P.* (2017). Data-Driven Discovery of Extravasation Pathway in Circulating Tumor Cells. Scientific Reports. 7, 43710. [PubMed] (*Corresponding Author)

Radhakrishnan, A., Nanjappa, V., Raja, R., Sathe, G. J., Chavan, S., Nirujogi, R. S., Patil, A., Solanki, H., Renuse, S., Sahasrabuddhe, N. A., Mathur, P. P., Prasad, T. S. K., Kumar, P., Califano, J. A., Sidransky, D., Pandey, A., Gowda, H. and Chatterjee, A. (2016). Dysregulation of splicing proteins in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Biology and Therapy. 17, 219-29. [PubMed]

Wu, F†., Kumar, P†., Lu, C., El Marjou, A., Qiu, W., Lim, C. T., Thiery, J. P. and Liu, R. (2015). Homophilic Interaction and Deformation of E-cadherin and Cadherin 7 Probed by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 587, 38-47. [PubMed] 
†These authors contributed equally to this project

Khoo, B. L†., Lee, C. S†., Kumar, P†., Tan, Z. T., Warkiani, E. M., Ow, GW. S., Nandi, S., Lim, T. C. and Thiery, P. J. (2015). Short-term expansion of breast circulating cancer cells predicts response to anti-cancer therapy. Oncotarget. [PubMed] 
†These authors contributed equally to this project

Kumar, P., Nandi. S., Tan, Z. T., Ler, G. S., Seng, K. C., Yen, W. L., Vordos, D., laTaille, D. A., Raida, M., Beyer, B., Ricci, E., Colombel, M., Chong, W. T., Chiong, E., Soo, R., Park, K. M., Ha, K. H., Gunaratne, J. and Thiery, P. J. (2015). Highly sensitive and specific novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of transitional bladder. Oncotarget. 6:13539-49. [PubMed] 

Akalay, I., Tan, T. Z., Kumar, P., Janji, B., Mami-Chouaib, F., Charpy, C., Vielh, P., Larsen, A. K., Thiery, J. P., Sabbah, M. and Chouaib, S. (2015). Targeting WNT1-inducible signaling pathway protein 2 alters human breast cancer cell susceptibility to specific lysis through regulation of KLF-4 and miR-7 expression. Oncogene. 34:2261-2271. [PubMed]

Johnson, J. P., Kumar, P., Koulnis, M., Patel, M. and Simin, K. (2014). Crucial and Novel Cancer Drivers in a Mouse Model of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 11:115-126. [PubMed]

Goel, L. H., Pursell, B., Chang, C., Shaw, L., Mao, J., Simin, K., Kumar, P., Kooi, C., Shultz, L., Greiner, D., Norum, J., Toftgard, R., Kuperwasser, C. and Mercurio, M. A. (2013). GLI1 regulates a novel neuropilin-2/a6?1 integrin based autocrine pathway that contributes to breast cancer initiation. EMBO Mol Med 5:488-508. [PubMed]

Kumar, P., Mukherjee, M., Johnson, J. P., Patel, M., Huey, B., Albertson, D. G. and Simin, K. (2012). Cooperativity of Rb, Brca1, and p53 in Malignant Breast Cancer Evolution. PLoS Genet. 8. [PubMed]

Singh, D. D., Saikrishnan, K., Kumar, P., Surolia, A., Sekar, K. and Vijayan, M. (2005). Glycobiology. Unusual sugar specificity of banana lectin from Musa paradisiaca and its probable evolutionary origin. 15:1025-1032. [PubMed]

Singh, D. D., Saikrishnan, K., Kumar, P., Dauter, Z., Sekar, K., Surolia, A. and Vijayan, M. (2004). Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray structure analysis of the banana lectin from Musa paradisiaca. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 60:2104-2106. [PubMed]


Letter to Editor

Deb, B., Datar, R., Kumar, P.* (2020). Tussle of tertiary testing laboratories amidst COVID-19 crisis. Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 3:358. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)
Sambath, J., Deb, B., and Kumar, P.* (2020). A commentary on outcomes with liquid biopsy to determine the epidermal growth factor receptor mutation status in poor performance status, biopsy‑ineligible, advanced non‑small cell lung cancer patients. Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 3:141-2. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)
Deb, B., and Kumar, P.* (2020). A commentary on molecular tumor board: Case 1‑interplay of epidermal growth factor receptor, MET, and programmed death‑ligand 1 in non‑small cell lung carcinoma. Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 3:156. [Article] (*Corresponding Author)

Book Chapters

Sambath, J., Patel, K.,Limaye, S. and Kumar, P.* (2020). Single-Cell Multiomics: Dissecting Cancer. Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning Principles for Bioinformatics Techniques, Tools, and Applications. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. 1:289-317. (*Corresponding Author)
Mohan, S. V., Nayakanti, D. S., Sathe, G., George, I. A., Gowda, H. and Kumar, P.* (2019). Targeted proteomics as a tool for validating urine-based biomarkers. Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis in Proteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2051:277-295. (*Corresponding Author)
Deb, B., George, I. A., Sharma, J. and Kumar, P.* (2019). Phosphoproteomics profiling to identify altered signaling pathways and kinase-targeted cancer therapies. Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis in Proteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2051:241-264. (*Corresponding Author)
Khoo, L, B., Kumar, P. and Thiery, P. J. (2014). Current cancer series: Fundamental studies of CTC "Genesis of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) through Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) as a mechanism for distant dissemination". Springer publication, USA


Biomarker Discovery in the urine of early stage Bladder cancer patients (Singapore Patent Application No: 201308203-7), 2013 Jean Paul Thiery, Prashant Kumar, Jayantha Gunaratne
US Provisional Patent Application No: IMC/P/07991/00/SG PCT extension USA October 2014 Jean Paul Thiery, Prashant Kumar, Jayantha Gunaratne

Media Highlights

A*STAR researchers develop a reliable urine test for detection of bladder cancer [Article]

Highly reliable urine test developed for the early detection of a common type of bladder cancer [Article]

The Key processes involved in cancer cell mobility [Article]

Blood test to tell cancer care efficient or not [Article]

Phosphoproteomic Profiling Identifies Aberrant Activation of Integrin Signaling in Aggressive Non-Type Bladder Carcinoma [Article]

Now, a simple blood test to monitor cancer [Article]

Identifying therapeutic targets by peeking inside the bladder cancer [Article]



Editorial Boards
Editorial board member of Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, Frontiers in Oncology and Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018-2019
Managing Editor: Frontiers in Bioscience, 2018-2019
Editorial board member of American Journal of Cancer Prevention (2013-2019): An editorial board member of American Journal of Cancer Prevention, Science and Education Publishing
Editorial board member of Trends Journal of Sciences Research (TJSR, 2013-2019)
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Molecular Oncology, 2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, 2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Nanomedicine, 2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Scientific Reports, 2017-2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, Oncotarget, 2016-2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, Proteomics, 2016-2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, Clinical Proteomics, 2016-2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, Cancer Research, 2016-2019
A reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, PLOS ONE, 2014-2019
Member of European Association of Urology, EAU- Research Foundation (EAURF)
Member of Proteomic Society, India (PSI)

Invited Lectures

An invited lecture on "Proteomics in Clinical Research" Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, Patna, 25 February 2020.
An invited speaker in 5th Molecular Oncology Society Conference: Lecture delivered on "Basics of NGS", Patna, India: 23 February 2020
An invited panel member in 5th Molecular Oncology Society Conference: Panel discussion on "Selecting the right molecular test for your patient", Patna, India: 22 February 2020
An invited speaker in 5th Molecular Oncology Society Conference: Lecture delivered on "Ideal sample for NGS", Patna, India: 22 February 2020
An invited lecture on "Liquid Biopsy the Future of Cancer Diagnostics" Patna Medical College and Hospital, Department of Biochemistry, Patna, 21 February 2020.
An invited lecture on "The Emerging roles of Liquid Biopsy in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment Monitoring in Cancer" Loyola College, Department of plant biology and biotechnology, Chennai, India: 4 February 2020
An invited lecture on "Current and Future Perspectives of Liquid Biopsies in Advancing Personalized Medicine" Manipal School of Life Sciences (MSLS) Annex, SiIlver Jubilee Block, MAHE, Manipal, India: 24 January 2020
An invited lecture on "Liquid Biopsy and Genomic Assessment for Cancer: The Role in Clinical Practice" Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, India: 18 January 2020
Phenotypic Heterogeneity as a Driver of Cancer Progression Conference, Session chair for "Aging, stroma and cancer", Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: 06 January 2020
An invited speaker in 3rd Annual Year End Review Meeting Focused on Lung Cancer : Lecture delivered on "CTC Vs cfDNA in oncology" Hotel Courtyard Marriott, Andheri East, Mumbai: 20-21 December 2019
A plenary speakers on the occasion of “Inaugural function of Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Personalized Genomic Medicine and One Day Symposium in Genomic Medicine : Lecture delivered on " "The Emerging roles of Genomics, Proteomics and Liquid Biopsy in advancing Personalized Medicine" Department of Studies in Genetics and Genomics, University of Mysore, Mysore: 28 November 2019
An invited speaker in 3rd Indo-Australia Symposium on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition: Lecture delivered on "Intermediate cell states in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and the potential of EMT-subtype based therapeutic intervention" Centre for Cancer Biology, Adelaide: 19 November 2019
An invited speaker in 15th Indo-Australian Biotechnology Conference: Lecture delivered on "Patient derived circulating tumor cell cluster phenotype allows monitoring response to treatment and predicts survival" Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, University of Adelaide, Adelaide: 18 November 2019
An invited Lecture on " Circulating Tumor Cells as liquid biopsies: to monitor cancer progression and predict treatment response” The University of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), Bangalore: 11 Sep 2019
An invited speaker in VCR Roadmap Symposium: Lecture delivered on "A liquid biopsy platform to enable personalized medicine" VCR Park, Visakhapatnam: 21 August 2019
An invited speaker in 2nd Masterclass in Lung Cancer: Lecture delivered on "Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Lung Cancer" S P Jain Auditorium, Bombay Hospital, New Marine Lines, Mumbai: 21 July 2019
An invited Lecture on "Integrated approach to understand the onset and pathogenesis of cancer" Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai: 19 July 2019
An invited Lecture on "Circulating Tumor Cells: Understanding the Biology, Challenges, Clinical Utility and Future Prospects" HCG Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka: 15 April 2019
An invited Lecture on "Circulating Tumor Cells: Understanding the Biology, challenges and Clinical utility" Yenepoya University, Mangaluru, Karnataka: 25 March 2019
An invited speaker in Cancer Heterogeneity Conference: Lecture delivered on "Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in cancer" Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka: 5-6 Jan 2019
An invited speaker in RCB Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Workshop: Lecture delivered on "Quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics approaches to identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer" Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad, Haryana: 18 Dec 2018
An invited speaker in Updates in Lung Cancer Year End Review 2018: Lecture delivered on "The Prognostic Importance of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Lung Cancer", Sofitel Mumbai BKC, India: 16 Dec 2018
An invited speaker in Brisbane Cancer Conference: Lecture delivered on "Biomarkers for bladder cancer" Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia; 29-30 Nov 2018
An invited Lecture on "Circulating Tumor Cells as a predictive biomarker" Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI), Translational Research Institute (TRI), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia; 28 Nov 2018
An invited Lecture on "Circulating Tumor Cells: Understanding the Biology and Clinical utility" QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia; 27 Nov 2018
A Panel Presentation in 2nd Indo-Australia Symposium on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition: Lecture delivered on "Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity of CTC" National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune: 24 Oct 2018
A Guest lecture: Delivered a popular Science talk: "Liquid Biopsies: The Future of Cancer Diagnostics", 53rd Anniversary Celebration, Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum, Bangalore, 27 July, 2018
An invited speaker in Molecular Medicine and Oncology Symposium: Lecture delivered on "Circulating Tumor Cells: Understanding Biology and Clinical Significance" Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, 9 July, 2018
An invited speaker in Molecular Diagnostics Europe meeting: Lecture delivered on "Data-Driven Discovery of Extravasation Pathway and Integrated Regulatory Network for Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Circulating Tumor Cells" Lisbon, Portugal; 22-24 May, 2018
An invited Lecture on "Discovery of Extravasation pathway and Integrated gene interaction-based Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition network in Circulating Tumor Cells" CEDOC, Grey Building Auditorium, Lisbon, Portugal; 25 May, 2018
An invited speaker in Cancer Meeting: Mechanisms of Neoplasia and Precision Medicine in Oncology : Lecture delivered on "Circulating Tumor Cells: Understanding their biology and clinical significance", NCBS, Bangalore; May 04 2018
An invited lecture on "Liquid Biopsies and Translational Proteomics to uncover cancer insights": The Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Mumbai; 6th February, 2018
An invited speaker in Stem Cells & Cancer India 2018: Lecture delivered on "Stemness of the Hybrid Epithelial-Mesenchymal State in Circulating Tumor Cells: Phenotypic Plasticity and Cell Fate Decision in Cancer", Mumbai; 5th February, 2018
An invited speaker in Lung Cancer Consortium Asia Annual Meeting: Lecture delivered on "Short term ex vivo expansion of CTCs in lung cancer predicts response to anti-cancer therapy" ITC Parel, Mumbai; 15th December, 2017
An invited lecture on "Circulating tumor cells: their utility in cancer management and predicting outcomes" Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital and medical research Institute, Mumbai; 14th December, 2017
An invited speaker in First Indo-Australian Symposium on Epithelial-Mesenchymal TransitionNew advances in cancer development: Lecture delivered on "Extravasation Pathway Discovery and Integrated Regulatory Network for Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition"
An invited lecture on "Liquid Biopsies and the Early Diagnosis of Cancer" Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India; 17th May, 2017
An invited lecture on "Liquid Biopsy: The Future of Cancer Treatment and Detection" Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Patna, India; 12th April, 2017
An invited lecture on "Highly sensitive and specific novel biomarkers: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies" Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India; 5th April, 2017
An invited lecture on "Bioengineering and Clinical Utility of Biomarkers: A Quest for Noninvasive Detection" Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Hyderabad, India; 25th February, 2017
An invited lecture on "Clinical Utility of Biomarkers: A Quest for Noninvasive Detection" Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, India; 24th February, 2017
An invited speaker in Next Generation Sequencing conference on "Data-Driven Discovery of Extravasation Pathway and Integrated Regulatory Network for Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Circulating Tumor Cells" IICT auditorium, Hyderabad, India; 23rd February, 2017
An invited lecture on "Circulating Tumor Cells: current challenges and new directions for Liquid Biopsy" Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Infosys Hall, Bangalore, India; 5 October, 2016
An invited speaker in Molecular Diagnostics Europe meeting: Lecture delivered on "Expansion of Breast Circulating Cancer Cells Predicts Response to Anti-Cancer Therapy" Lisbon, Portugal; 4-7 April, 2016
An invited speaker in National Seminar on "Drug Discovery and Cancer therapy" (DDCT-2016), Pondicherry University; Lecture delivered on "Emerging Bladder cancer Biomarker: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies" 25th Feb, 2016
An invited lecture on "Basics of mass spectrometry-based proteomics" Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 21st August, 2015
Scientific Meetings
EMBO Gold MEDALLIST SYMPOSIUM, 11-13 May, 2015, Biopolis, Singapore
IMCB 30th Anniversary Mini-Symposium, 7 May, 2015, Singapore
Merck-Singapore, Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine Symposium. 3-5 March, 2015
NUS-Kanagawa Prefecture Urology Symposium 19-20 January, 2015, Centre for Life Sciences Auditorium, 28 Medical Drive, Singapore
A*STAR-DxD Hub-HAS, Regulatory Framework on Medical device Development: 28 November, 2014
Frontiers in Cancer Science 2014, 3-5 November, 2014, The Academia, 20 College Road, Singapore
Frontiers in Cancer Science 2013, 5-7 November, 2013, Matrix @ Biopolis, Singapore
21st Meeting of the EAU Section of Urological Research (ESUR), 25-27 September, 2013, Dresden, Germany
Next Generation Dx Summit Moving Assays to the clinic, 20-22 August, 2013, Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill Washington, DC
2013 Omics in the Clinic Conference Series, 12 April. 2013, Grand Park City Hall, Singapore
Stem Cell Society Singapore iPSC Symposium, 14 December, 2012
The Frontiers in Cancer Science (FCS) 2012, 4th annual meeting will be held on 5-8 November, 2012, at the UCC Theatre at the University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore in Singapore
2nd Singapore Ovarian Cancer Symposium 15 June, 2012
Annual Cancer biology training Program retreat, May 17, 2011, Hoagland-Pincus Conference center, Shrewsbury, Worcester, MA, USA
Poster presentation at Signal Transduction Society (STS), 10th Joint Meeting at Weimar, Germany, November 2006. Functional profiling of pathogen-induced signaling pathways based on high throughput RNAi Screens
A discussion meeting of the RNA group (The first symposium on RNA research in India), February, 2003, Dept. of Microbiology and Cell biology, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
GLYCO XVII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, 12-16, 2003
Workshop on Circulating Tumor Cells and Cancer Stem Cells from Research to Clinic: Next Generation Dx Summit Moving Assays to the Clinic, August 20-22, 2013 Washington, DC (Moderator: Marek Malecki, M.D., Ph.D., President, Phoenix Biomolecular Engineering Foundation; Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison Instructors: Minetta C. Liu, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Oncology and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Avraham Rasooly, Ph.D., Special Assistant for Cancer Technologies and Translational Research, Division of Cancer Biology, NCI NIH Abraham Tzou, Medical Officer, FDA CDRH)